Dear peeps,

This may be a scheduled thing(I heard Thanksgiving) and I’m ok.  I sent this letter today to the White House today and they have my health in concern but this is way bigger than me or my company, its need for explanation and potential future is bigger than should be addressed here.  It’s been a long haul with this so I’m sending this for precautionary measures and for you to hear.  Also to see if there is anything you may be able to help us with in terms of getting out of my current position and on to other things.  Thank you so much for all your inspiration!!

Dear Mr. President and others it may concern,

I’m writing this letter to inform you about an area that may be currently outside of legal boundaries (except in Michigan) that could provide citizens with services in the future if repurposed as I believe to have seen some of the potential first hand.  Many of us in the citizenry have been plagued by a mistrust that has led to a breakdown in communication with congress and members of the state and hatching of conspiracy theories.  My guess is some of these powers (possibly mandated, legally, under Executive Order 12333) are no longer under full oversight, out of public view.  Though they are meant for protection the lack of communication is detrimental to the public feeling of security in our sense of representative governance.  I’m patient and believe in the values our founding fathers shared yet my sense of brotherhood has also been shaken and I’m making an appeal for action.  In the context of this letter though the issues I’d like to focus on are Personal Data Rights, Privacy & Security.  Though personally, I have a stake in mental health (or well-being) and find it to be an underdressed topic as well.

I’m following up with a list of links that show the great work many have done in this area while being potentially further advanced than widely known.  You may not be required to take full responsibility for all that goes on in this country given our system and the size of our government these days yet the powers of the presidency are greater today than they have been since Washington was offered kingship.  These are also things that should be talked about.  I understand the overwhelming need for security and sensitivity of the issue.  I also admire the technical expertise with which this has been executed but I need you to hear my request move forward and to bring these concerns to light.  This issue is very concerning to myself and the future of communication.  Thank you for your care and willingness to hear my thoughts.  I know we commonality in our hopes and my prayers continue to be with all others desiring the security, protection and wellbeing of a prosperous common good.

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Johann P Hippensteele